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About Us


Global Friendship Network, otherwise known as is a group of global friends who have decided to come together to help one another. It is not a business, and neither a nonprofit organization, but a gathering of friends for the purpose of assisting one another when the need arises. A friend in need they say, is a friend indeed. When friends learn to give helping hands when necessary, the entire community will grow better together because it will provide succor to the affected persons. At “Spread Friendship”, we package social etiquette for the concern of one another; in order to subjugate social and emotional challenges that affect our members.

For the world to be a juicy place, the inhabitants should promote healthy and lasting friendship across nations, extend succor at the very point of individual need, for love and global peace. This will eventually form the bedrock of the organisation and a panacea for social tolerance across human ecosystem.

As a global organization, we care for each other’s situations, be it in time of celebration or adversity. It is expected that we will develop into a conglomerate that will attract world attention for mutual joy and collectively bear one another’s burden. This is borne out of the need to surround ourselves with people who care about our welfare. Besides family, your friends are all you have.

Our Mission

To make my Friends your Friends and your friends my Friends for global support

Our corporate mission is to build and support friends. It is based on the belief that when friends team up to build up fellow friends, they will all grow and develop at the same pace. This mission will remain pivotal or cardinal to our dreams and objectives as we pursue and defend our friendship.


To deliberately create global relationships that will endure through networking for collective sustenance.

It is our mission that makes our dream futuristic. We hope to contribute to global efforts for world peace and multi-national collaboration for equal rights as well as economic and social upliftment.


  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Sustainability

Group Objective

  • To harness individuals globally for mutual friendship
  • To network support for members according to our organizational charter and philosophy.
  • To provide support and assistance to members in times of need.
  • To develop strong bonds for profound relationships.
  • To felicitate with members in time of celebration.

Membership status

Membership is open to those who share the same values, are willing to extend it, and have the facility for strong relationships.

To enlist in the group, you must see our objective as a philosophy and must be willing to help to sustain what we stand for in the world friendship setting. Remember membership is voluntary but support is mandatory.


Membership is strictly based on recommendation by proxy from standing members of the group, with impeccable character.Such recommendation must be evaluated and approved by the admins.


Since the organization is not a business outfit and neither a nonprofit organization, it will be coordinated by members. These coordinators will run the affairs of the group at different levels for effective and efficient management of the organisation.The coordinators are expected to develop special leadership skills that will help to build our objectives for sustainable network friendship growth.

Though each coordinator shall be saddled with specific responsibilities, they are to synergize in their roles in the overall interest of the organization.

The coordinators are as follows:

  1. Global coordinator
  2. Assistant Global coordinator
  3. National and State coordinators
  4. Assistant National and State coordinators
  5. Global, National and State secretaries

Duties And Responsibilities Of Officers

  • Global Coordinator: He shall coordinate the global activities of the group for effective management. He will be the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and will determine the local and inter-national group policies for implementation. He will preside over all meetings of the organisation except of course, it is otherwise delegated.
  • Assistant Global Coordinator: He deputizes for the Coordinator in his absence in official function (s) that may be delegated or assigned, in line with the agreed arrangements and code of conduct of the group.
  • National and State Coordinators: They will oversee their state or national activities and report the issues back to the Global Coordinator for review by the Global House. As presidents in council, they are to make recommendations on matters they consider expedient for consideration.
  • Assistant National and State Coordinator: Like the global assistant coordinator, these will stand in for their Coordinators in their absence, except such functions are delegated to them by their bosses.
  • Secretary: He takes down the minutes of all the meetings of the executive and the general house. He keeps the imprest of the organization and ensures that all cash is deposited accordingly with the corresponding tellers strictly filed and numbered.

Rules And Regulation/code Of Conduct

Membership Benefits

Benefits to subscribers will kick off in at least six(6) months after confirmation of membership with the group; such member must have strong moral and financial standing. Areas of response by the organisation are in the cases listed below:

➢ Child birth/Dedication
➢ Death of loved ones like
➢ Biological Parents
➢ Biological Children
➢ Spouse

Members will also be supported when involved in an accident (severity to be determine by a special adhoc community), sponsoring children abroad for education and development, marriage by self or children, in misfortune and illness for medical support, for career sponsorship and entrepreneurial skills acquisition as well as may be considered from time to time.



We plan to upgrade the economic profile of our members to raise fund at the shortest time possible from members to finance their most challenging situations. Our intervention will create economic advantage for individual members to handle their challenging situations with ease.

Our business advantage program will help members for entrepreneurial development.


Our social programme will benefit members to develop social relationship that will enlarge their contact, to accommodate more friends than they ever had in the past. We hope to take members closer to influential positions across the globe in order to grow their relationship beyond their immediate domain. Such profile would open them up to better business ideas and international social profile. It would be a platform for members to market their social skills globally . Our local and global content will be of huge benefit to members.


The group would create political awareness that will develop and encourage members that wish to be active in politics. We hope to expose interested members to political activities that would awaken their talents to pick interest in governance and public administration.


We have medical sponsorship programme to support members to have good health through access to affordable medical care, as part of our long-term goal to help our members.


“The taste of the pudding is in the eating”. You will only need to enlist in our dream to appreciate what we stand for, and what we plan to deliver to you. The group is basically to develop our members and position them for economic ownership and become social facility providers in times of need.

We are a product of inner desire for self-actualization. Our motivation is inherent in our collective resolve to be our brother’s keeper. Our emotional competences are directed to assuage the social and economic requirements of our members.

Your membership will benefit you to the next generation. Activate your family membership today and become a beneficiary of our goodwill.